Tribal Casinos Combating Human Trafficking and Virtual FDP Tour

The virtual FDP tour will be available to all attendees of the National Indian Gaming Commission's Tribal Casinos Combating Human Trafficking webinar. Annie Sovcik and Liz Williamson will be presenting on November 18, 2020 at 12pm EST. Please use this link to register

Walmart Gordonsville Virtual FDP Tour and Silent Auction Fundraiser

Walmart DC 7816 and 6823 are partnering with Truckers Against Trafficking to raise awareness for the fight against human trafficking and raise funds for TAT. View the virtual Freedom Drivers Project tour and participate in the silent auction to support this fantastic year-end act of generosity!

True North Lunch and Learn and Virtual FDP Tour

The FDP will be available as part of a lunch and learn with True North. Susan Dold will be educating the staff on the realities of domestic sex trafficking and how they can play an integral part of ensuring their trucking clients are equipped with this life saving message. This is a closed event to True North employees only.

Swift and TAT Truck Reveal

Swift is revealing a wrap in conjunction with TAT to create more awareness around human trafficking.  The reveal is Jan 8th at 1pm MST at their corporate headquarters in Phoenix, AZ.  All Swift employees will be able to virtually tour the FDP. This is a private event.